Welcome to Organic Chemistry & Materials lab
Mothika Research Group

Our primary focus is to develop functional organic molecules and study material properties. We aim at the applications of chemical sensing, molecular switching and optoelectronics. The research flows through multi-step organic synthesis and extensive analytical characterization. The current research themes includes heterohelicenes, stimuli (light and redox)-responsive organic materials, and porous organic materials.
Group News
Dec 2024: Lariab and Akanksha join as PhD students. Welcome to both.
Oct 2024: New paper from Saurabh in Chem. Asian. J., Congratulations to Saurabh
July 2024: Monika joins as a PhD student. Welcome Monika
April 2024: Misha Kumari from IIT Gandhinagar and Raghav Anand from NIT Rourkela selected for IITK-SURGE summer internship program. Congratulations.
April 2024: Atul joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome Atul
March 2024 : Review on porous organic material chemical sensors is out in Macromol. Rapid Commun. (Wiley). Congratulations to Saurabh on his first article

Latest Publications

Research Highlights